- About Us
- News
- "1000 номын аян" төсөлд 19001950 Мэдээллийн лавлахын хамт олон нэгдлээ.
- Government Organizations
- Non-government Organizations
- Private Businesses
- Trip and vacation transportation booking
- Nationwide taxi calling service
- Airport pick up and booking service
- Airport delivery service
- Live traffic informations
- ETV HD nationwide live advertising television program
- Mass TV nationwide live advertising television program
- “Great Mongol 99.7” F.M radio station Ulaanbaatar city live advertising program
- 1900-1950 Advertisement Newspaper
- 19001950zar.mn fully equipped advertisement website
- 1900-1950 social advertising channels
- Driver calling service
- Car maintenance service
- Flower and gift delivery service
- Property cleaning service
- Household maintenance service
- Bus booking service
- All type of lock and door maintenance service
- All type of wall, ceiling installation
- Furniture assembly and maintenance
- All type of property moving
- Noyon pizza and chicken delivery
- Mongolian cuisine delivery
- Show booking and delivery
- Book, CD and all type of print delivery
- Official and non-official currency value
- Common use item value
- Apartment and property value
- Vehicle and part value
- Construction material value
- Raw material value
Transportation schedule
- Domestic and international flight schedule
- Domestic and international train schedule
- Domestic and international inter-city transportation schedule
- Public transportation routes
- Eastern genethliacs
- Western genethliacs
- Yearly genethliacs